Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21, 2010 Dinner Meeting Minutes

Dinner Meeting Minutes
Ilion Little Theater Club
(January 21st, 2010)

In attendance: Megan, George M., Kelly, Rick, Mary, Dick, Margaret, George L., Char G., Norm, Paul, Char, Bev.

- Meeting called to order at 7:31.
- Past meeting’s minutes read by Megan. Mary motioned to approved, Rick seconded, all approved.

- President’s Report (Meeting was run by Kelly in Dave’s absence):
Dave sent a report stating that the Senator Seward tour would occur the following day (Friday, Jan. 22nd) and that Bob and Norm were kind enough to give the tour.
Ro Scalise contacted Dave that she had given up doing memberships and subscriptions as of the end of the first show of the season.

- Vice President’s Report: Kelly reported that Marge Moylan was put into Presbyterian Home, that her condition was improving but that perhaps we should send something to her. She also brought up that Ron Fuhrer had passed away.

- Secretary’s Report: Megan mentioned the founding of a Fundraising Grant Committee to reshape the former Grant Committee’s focus on general finding of funds for the theater. She noted that she’d be willing to co-head the committee with MaryLee (since she had put in lots of grant-training time) and asked for people to sign up for it. Several members signed up after the meeting adjourned.

- Treasurer’s Report: George reported that Clue brought in around $5,000. The total funds were $16,964.85; it breaks down at approximately $3,100 in checking, $10,223 in savings, $256 in petty cash and $3,384 in the CD. The treasurer’s report was motioned to be accepted by Dick, seconded by Norm, and accepted.

- There were no committee reports.

*Norm brought up that the order of New and Old Business needs to be switched.

-Old Business:

Megan reported on the status of Young Actors Workshop in the absence of Dave Stritmater. They had had their initial meeting with well over 20 kids showing up and showing great interest. A show, Ukrainiacs, was ordered and will be read at their next meeting, in February.

It was reported that Dave Stritmater agreed to direct The Dining Room as the last production of the season.

-New Business:

Norm suggested something used on The Orpheus Theatre website, where every click brings you in a donation. He was going to look into something similar that might be used for ILTC site.

As discussed at board meetings, a question as to how to track soda/wine use (and deter free drinking) was brought up. Discussion ensued; locking it up (alcohol and un-opened sodas) seemed to be a general consensus.

George M. reported on “An Evening with Chekhov” and “Lie, Cheat & Genuflect”. The dates were set as Chekhov on March 5th and 6th and “Lie, Cheat & Genuflect” the last two weekends in March. “Lie, Cheat & Genuflect” had been cast except for a younger Avon lady character.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:22pm – Dick motioned to adjourn, Rick seconded, all were in favor.