Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24, 2011

ILTC Dinner Meeting Minutes
March 24, 2011

In attendance: Kelly Stone, Rick Vrooman, Dave Dellecese, Megan Dellecese, George Malavasic, Carol (last name?), Carole (new), Marie Scialdone, Elisa Welsh, Barb (last name?), Janice Nolander, Art Wilks, Margaret Neimeyer, Norm, Dave S., Ro, Char G., Bev, Cindy, Steve, Char & Paul.

Meeting called to order at 7:25pm.
- Past meeting’s minutes read by Megan. Art motioned to approved, Margaret seconded, all approved.
President’s Report
-Dave expressed frustration over how few members were willing to volunteer for the nomination committee and informed the group that the only individual willing to help was Julianne Allen. With all this in mind, he stated that there will be no place for complaining on how things are done or run if no one is willing to step forward and have a say in it.
- Dave also took the chance to mention how proud he was to be a part of the most recent show, “And Then There Were None”. Although there was a good-sized cast, he mentioned that there were a lot of new faces in the audiences and that the friends or family that came used director’s passes; lots said that they’d never been to the theater before, but being interested in the show, they decided to check the place out. He thanked Mary Lee for her hard work and gave Art credit for setting up his own Newstalk to promote the show. (Dave also clarified that he has no role in setting up newstalks and doesn’t have a say in them.)
- Dave gave a Seward update, informing the membership that, due to the state budget, all member items were nixed, and that the board agreed that it was a necessity to go ahead with the HVAC purchase, noting that perhaps the fundraising committee could come up with ideas to help pay it off. It was suggested from the membership to try a “Friends of” donation with different levels to help.

Vice President’s Report: Kelly reported that she had ordered all plays that had been requested and asked for individuals to let her know if anyone’s interested in directing.

Secretary’s Report: Megan mentioned that she’s still working on the newsletter and requested any additional information for it.

Treasurer’s Report: Char reported the following balances:
Current Checking Acct. Balance - $5,341.43 “And Then There Were None” Expenses/Takes:
Current Savings Acct. Balance - $5,035.17 - Door: $2,728
Current CD - $3,411.77 - 50/50: $293 (4 nights donated)
Current Petty Cash - $172.22 - Donations: $107.50, Basket - $150
- Expenses: $885.00
Dave S. requested to know the profits from prior shows of the season; Char said he’d email it.

House Report - Art reported that the codes inspector had no comments, but was very thorough and happy with what he saw.

Fundraising Report
– Char reported that we made $150 on the basket raffle and that lots of items were donated, thanking everyone who offered and requested anyone interested in helping out with fundraising to see her. Margaret asked if the money from the baskets could be put towards the HVAC funding, which most agreed was a good idea. Marie mentioned that they couldn’t handle the basket without 3 people doing door; it was agreed that IF POSSIBLE, 3 people should be requested to do the door.

Old Business:
- Art gave a final wrap-up of “And Then There Were None”, showing off the sweatshirt he received proudly, and saying that the prior Sunday & Monday it was all he could do not to come down to the set (in a good way), thanks to the cast. He said that they took characters that he suggested and they built on them, and he couldn’t change much. It was one of the best theater experiences he’d had since starting in 1961; there were good audiences, no bickering or drama behind the scenes, they helped with the set, and there were some new folks involved (Jim Revenaugh felt welcomed and happy here). Bev did great on lights.
- Kelly looked into the cold air issue in the lobby, speaking with the gentleman who put in the HVAC. He said that he could put in new registers & duct work for around $200; we’ll look into it.
- Dave updated on Brooks’ BBQ, saying that he had looked into it and we would need to purchase a minimum number of plates (over $1,000). Right now, it doesn’t seem like it’s the wisest decision since we can’t be guaranteed that people would show up. Ro suggested having a number of tickets that people would be held responsible for.

New Business:
- Ro asked where “The Red Feather Ladies” went. She said that it’s a cute, less than 1-act show that might be good for an afternoon tea. Kelly said that postage is crazy for ordering another (but will if we have to). They would need 7 older women for it, and Ro would be willing to direct it (not during the winter).
- Art announced that the following Saturday at 9am, people would be working on taking parts of the set down, etc, if anyone could help out.
- Norm suggested a season of a retrospective/revival of classic shows, saying that it might be a good theme or gimmick. Several people loved the idea; George noted that it’d be great as long as the shows were relatively well-known. Art noted that a member is interested in doing a melodrama that might work with this.
- Ro noted that with the passing of Elizabeth Taylor and her connection to the area with “A Place in the Sun”… “Chester and Grace” revival?
- Dave S. gave an update on YAW, mentioning that 26 kids signed up and he chose a play for 20 kids that he expanded. The show would be put on during the first week of June.
- George M. gave an update on “Happy Birthday”, saying that it’s cast (just waiting to hear back on one part) and that the play is very funny. Since he had numerous new people try out, he’s cast them for 3 one-act short plays that will be put on prior to the show; here’s hoping they stick around for future auditions and shows.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:21pm – Art motioned to adjourn, Steve seconded, all were in favor.
Tables were left for the next meeting; Art said he’d help with set-up.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17, 2011

ILTC Dinner Meeting Minutes
February 17, 2011

Meeting called to order at 7:30.

In attendance: Char, Rick, Kelly, Bob & Jan, Steve & Cindy, Art, Jason, Dave & Meg, Margaret, Carol, Mary Lee

Minutes of January’s dinner meeting were read. Motion to approve made by Mary Lee and seconded by Margaret.

President’s Report
  • Dave requested any members who want to have a say in the running of the theatre to volunteer as part of the nomination committee, needing to have a committee put together by the next dinner meeting so that they can start work on nominating people for next year’s board. He stressed what an important task volunteering for this committee is and reiterated how vital this is.
    • To this point, Kelly said that she wants people who know how it’s run; people were asked “do you want to be on the board” who didn’t end up on the board. Mary Lee asked if it is possible to have more than 2 people run and have a vote. To clarify, Jan said that the committee is to ask people if they want to run again – then when the slate was given at the May meeting, people could elect themselves and then have a paper ballot vote. Dave reiterated that the hardest part is to get willing volunteers for the Nom. Com. In the first place. Jan noted that nobody has deliberately been slighted and that perhaps an addendum to the by-laws would be necessary – Dave said he’d bring this up at the board meeting.

Vice President’s Report
  • Kelly said that we need directors for the next season, as well as ordering any scripts since it’s getting to be that time again where we need to piece together the season – really, we’ve gotta get going here.

Secretary’s Report
  • Megan mentioned that she sent in a quarter-page ad (along with the check Char made out) to the B-Sharp Club for their scholarship performance program.
  • She also noted that she was going to be getting the newsletter together and requested any additional information (other than the already-discussed items, such as informing folks that the newsletter will be mailed only to those who specifically request it from this point forward; otherwise emailed).

Treasurer’s Report (given by Bev)
  • Checking $3,706.08
  • Savings $5,034.59
  • CD $3,409.84
  • Petty Cash $93.55

A letter was received from United Way (giving $40.10) thanks to donations made by Dave Dellecese and “Anonymous”.

Jan asked about heating costs; Char said that they’re higher so far, but we need to analyze the year-to-year comparison. It was mentioned that the extra show may account for the additional cost.

HOUSE: Art Wilks said that he’d be checking the security the next day and would be meeting with the codes enforcer on Tuesday for the annual codes/fire inspection. Art noted to push all plugs in all the way. (He also gave a report as to how “And Then There Were None” was going, saying that it was going great and that he had a great cast. At that time, he was planning on painting the floor brown, Meg was working on the background, and that they had figured out the curtain issue. Bob B. asked about a missing sensor, which Art wasn’t sure about. Art also asked for additional help on the set on Saturday, if anyone could make it.)

ADVERTISING: Mary Lee said that she had mostly taken care of advertising (and that she’d be going to FL the following week); Dave had helped with the O-D and WKTV’s web site. She contacted the Ilion PD in writing for use of their sign and was attempting the same with Remington Arms. She was going to contact the Telegram to do an article. Also, she had gotten most of the supplies for the first week, but requested that someone check in after the Sunday performance for additional supplies and water.

POSTERS: Bob asked that the board give him a list of posters to frame and he’ll get them done; Dave said that he’d email it.

FUNDRAISING: Char hoped to set up a meeting for the following week. She asked, also, how anyone doing the doors felt about selling raffle tickets for the baskets. Discussion was that it could be tough on busy nights, but having 2 people tag-teaming it helps. It might also be wise to stay to sell tickets at the end of the shows.


- Bob asked about the architect’s report on the building. Dave summed up that the architect came to meet with the board with a general overview: the main concern was structure issues (cracks, bricks wearing away) that may be an issue, maybe not; roof concerns. He discussed grants that are out there (which he could help us apply to, as a part of his fees.)
- Bob also asked how the Seward grant was working out. Dave said that it could be a year before we knew, making it March 1
st, so he was trying to be patient but would call and nag by that date.

- The next month’s dinner meeting needed to be moved to the fourth week of March – Thursday, March 24th, due to a performance of the current show on the third Thursday.
- Kelly requested that people sign up for the door.

Next meeting is 3/24/11.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.

Motion to adjourn: Megan.
Seconded by Rick.