Sunday, March 7, 2010

February 18, 2010 Dinner Meeting Minutes

Ilion Little Theatre Club

Minutes of February 18, 2010 Dinner Meeting

Those present were: David Dellecese, Art Wilks, Kelly Stone, Janet Biviano, Bob Biviano, Beverly Poznoski, Rick Vroman, John Gurtowski and Mary Gurtowski.

Meeting called to order 7:29 p.m.

In absence of Secretary, David read minutes of January meeting. With minor corrections, minutes were accepted. (Motioned: Art / Seconded: Janet)

President’s Report:

Ø Dave is working on keeping the website up-to-date

Ø Thanks to Bob and Norm for taking Senator Seward on a tour

· Sen. Seward was quite interested, wanted to see entire building

· Next step is to write a letter alerting him to our needs, which Dave has drafted

· A picture has been submitted to the OD for the “good news” section

Vice President’s Report:

Ø Update on Marge Moylan’s condition: doing better – she’s home now

Ø Reported there have been problems receiving plays from Samuel French lately. The scripts for Lie, Cheat & Genuflect are still not here.

Secretary’s Report: No Report

Treasurer’s Report:

Ø Although not in attendance, George M. left a report

· Petty cash: $213.50

· CD: $3,384

· Savings: $10,223

· Checking: $2,715

· TOTAL: $16,535.50

House Report:

Ø Art reported that he fixed a piece of wood in the basement to reduce the coal dust in the air.

Ø A programmable thermostat has been installed, can be changed 4 times in 7 days – he can show folks how to use it.

Ø Discussion of a new furnace: current one is inefficient. CO2 should be 30 parts per million and it’s currently doing 800 parts per million (but is being released outside). One estimate is $4,600 installed (93% efficiency, 116,250 BTU/hr, all with possibility of installing A/C later on). Bob suggested we insulate the ductwork downstairs. Kelly asked if furnace installers are certified:yes. Bob asked about energy rebates but we’re non-profit and don’t file tax return.

Ø Update on basement plumbing issues: toilet had backed up – is now capped. Webers found roots in our drains. We can do the work on inside sewer drain but the town should be called for new shut off valve (cost $150) in spring.


Ø Dave reported that Mary Lee submitted notices for both upcoming shows

Ø George M. is booked for NewsTalk in the beginning of March.

Ø Dave Stritmater emailed Dave D. that auditions for The Dining Room will be March 11 and 12 with performances taking place the weekends of May 14th and 21st.

Posters: No Report

Old Business:

Ø Bob alerted everyone to a roof shingle that is loose on the right of the tower – perhaps call the town to see if they have a tall truck with a ladder.

New Business:

Ø John asked if there will be a spring cleanout: probably when weather is warmer: attic and basement need work and chemicals in basement need proper disposal. Art is willing to do drop off to Solid Waste Authority.

Ø Art discussed possibly doing more performances of each show (at least 6); and perhaps doing 4 productions a year to raise more money. Also, selecting shows that will draw the largest audiences.

Ø A discussion of fundraising resulted in the following suggestions:

· Kelly: do a cabaret

· Dave: Brooks BBQ, mentioned George’s friend donated a set of golf clubs to raffle off

· Mary: Dick Enders and partnering with area restaurants for a portion of proceeds on slow nights.

· “Pay for clicks” idea like the Orpheus Theater – Dave will email Norm to follow up

· Dave will add a “donate now” button to our website through PayPal.

· Jan: do popular shows that people know of, like On Golden Pond.

· Dave: possibly do a holiday show- “It’s a Wonderful Life” like Players’ do Scrooge

Door Committee: Kelly needs folks to work the door for both shows in March.

Meeting adjourned 8:15: Motion: Kelly.; Seconded: Rick

Respectfully submitted,

Mary L. Gurtowski

Past President

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