Saturday, September 19, 2009

September 17th Dinner Meeting Minutes

Dinner Meeting Minutes

Ilion Little Theatre Club

September 17, 2009

The Stables

Present Members:
Dave Dellecese, Mary Gurtowski, Megan McCoy, Katie Drake, Mary Lee Lynch, Art Wilks, Norm Turner, George Malavasic, Sharon T, Pat Moylan, Marge Moylan, Bob Biviano, Janet Biviano, Bev Poznoski, Kelly Stone, Jim Mills, Phyllis Mills, Kelly Mills, Rick Vrooman, Dick Douglass

- Meeting called to order at 7:14.
Megan read May dinner meeting minutes. Dick motioned to accept, Mary Lee seconded.

-President’s Report:

- There was one inspection held with a private contractor to look over the interior and exterior of the theater. He has spoken with some specialists who are willing to offer their evaluations free of charge in their respective areas; the next walk-through will be happening the week of September 21st.

- Web site updates were made throughout the summer, including a purchase of both domain names ( and Mary Lee asked about web searching for the site since the old one still comes up. Dave explained that Geocities is shutting down October 26th and those sites will no longer be searchable – so the new site will show up first when searching.

- There was discussion at the board meetings about a possible film project to document the history of ILTC as remembered by members of long ago. More information will be forthcoming, this is in its early stages.

- Since the fall clean-up day last year was so successful, we would like to have another this year. This time, we may have two days or two groups of people working on the interior and exterior; one comment from the contractor was that there is cracking caused by moisture which is held to the masonry by plants, so much of the overgrowth around the building will be taken care of. A sign-up sheet was passed for interested folks.

-Vice President’s Report: No Report

-Secretary’s Report: No Report

-Treasurer’s Report:

- We made around $2,500 on “On Golden Pond” which was then spent on insurance.

-House Committee: No Report

-Advertising Committee:
- Mary Lee discussed sending letters to local businesses to make them aware of our existence, and asked of any additional groups who should be notified. This is in response to local organizations using outside theater groups to man fundraising murder mystery shows.

-Poster Committee:

- Bob reported about the Remington Committee’s visit, including 20+ members who toured, money donated toward poster restoration, and a possible fundraiser offering roof shingles for purchase.

-Constitutional Review Committee:

- Mary (John was absent) spoke on behalf of the committee, and read the numerous proposed amendments. There was much discussion, including wordings, quorum definition, corrections, and ultimately whether or not the Board has too much control.

- Changes were made and will be sent to all active members the week of September 21st in order to be voted upon at the October dinner meeting.

Norm motioned to adjourn at 8:19, Dick seconded.

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