Thursday, November 19, 2009

November 19, 2009 Dinner Meeting Minutes

Dinner Meeting Minutes
Ilion Little Theatre Club
(November 19, 2009)

Present Members: Mary Gurtowski, Kelly Stone, Megan McCoy, Mary Lee Lynch, Dave Dellecese, Norm, Rick, Sharon Trodler, Steve Quackenbush, Cindy Quackenbush, Ro Scalise, Dave Stritmater, Jay Lynch, Robert Biviano, Jan Biviano, Paul, Charlene

· Meeting called to order at 7:32p.m.
· Megan read minutes from previous dinner meeting. Ro motioned to accept. Art seconded.

President’s Report:
-Senator Seward has okayed meeting and is scheduled to visit December 2.

Vice President’s Report:
-Went to see “70 Girls 70” and saw the ad for Clue in their program.
-Sunday is covered for the added show of Clue.

Secretary’s Report: N/R

Treasurer’s Report: N/R

House Committee Report:
-Brown Randall said that any fire extinguishers older than 1983 needed to be thrown out.
-Five new ones have been purchased. Old ones placed upstairs.
-Calls were made for the fire inspection. Called twice with no answer. Still trying.

Advertising Report:
-Dave D thanked Mary Lee for all the work getting word out about “Clue” and Ro for all the work on program advertisements.
-Mary Lee contacted many people for Sunday’s added “Clue” performance including Mohawk Valley Express, Fusion, Observer-Dispatch, Evening Telegram. Dave mentioned taking care of online.
-Ro said we had 32 active/honorary members; 30 subscribers at this point.
-Topic was discussed of pro-rated ad sales for those who wish to buy ad space in programs after the start of the season.
-Ro pointed out that the Remington Society Tour article had made it into the Observer-Dispatch.
Dave Stritmater said that an ad exchange had been done between ILTC and the Mohawk Valley Choral Society. The cost difference is 4:1.

Poster Report:
-Bob said that all posters purchased are up and plaques have been purchased.

Old Business:
-Very successful clean-up day thanks to all those involved. Special thanks given to Jay Lynch for bringing the truck to haul away grass and foliage.
-Graffitti was found during cleanup on lobby door. Police were called and discussion was had. Police said they’d try to keep a better eye on the back end of the building.
-With such a successful cleanup outside, inside and basement cleanup was discussed. Many seemed interested.

New Business:
-George Malavasic has volunteered to direct “Lie, Cheat, and Genuflect.”
-Still looking for a director for “The Dining Room” at this time. If anyone wants to direct, let a board member know.
-Norm brought up the possibility of getting into the photo sections of the papers (where they just show a quick photo of something/someone going on in your community) for more exposure.
-Bob asked if we had heard about slate sales from the Remington Society. Nothing yet.
-Norm mentioned other groups have held chicken BBQs for fundraisers. Should we? It was mentioned maybe we should call Brooks and look into the possibility.
-With holidays around the corner, it was brought up that it might be nice for members of the organization to do Salvation Army bell ringing. Mary mentions some stores give the option of ringing inside.
-Bob suggest we keep the curtain closed for conserve energy and heat.
-$21 taken in from the bottle of wine raffle.

Norm motioned to adjourn, Rick seconded, all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.

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